If you've ever craved the perfect wave in your hair but you just cannot master it- it may be a symptom of the tool your using, and not user error. Sometimes you simply don't get results because the heat appliance you are using is designed to give



Jennifer Stagg from the popular lifestyle blog

stopped by my salon to learn what it takes to

get the curls of your dreams

. The


can be watched above, but there are lots more goodies over on her site including my list of must have tools. Be sure to check it out





A-C-N-E is a four letter word. Yes, I know literally...but figuratively too! If you've been a reader of mine for a while, you may have seen my post earlier this year about my


to quit picking my skin. And while I am doing much better at refraining for popping (and my skin is flourishing because of that) there are other external causes of acne aside from face touching and picking, that I want to share with you so that you can learn from my journey and give your self the gift of healthier skin.

The surprising causes of acne that you might not be aware of- and how to stop them from plaguing you.

If you have acne:

Around your mouth

- Acne around the mouth can be caused by a reaction to your lip products or from traces of toothpaste left of the skin post- brushing. If you notice small blackheads, or white bumps in the corners or edges of your mouth, it could be caused by an irritation from your lip gloss, or from the bacteria that is living on the applicator. Be sure to regularly clean off applicators on your lip products using a baby wipe and a spritz of rubbing alcohol. And follow the guidelines for the life of your lip cosmetics (usually 18 months) and throw them out and replace them often enough. 

Traces of toothpaste can also cause irritation around your mouth- so be sure you thoroughly rinse and dry your mouth area after every brush. And follow up with your lightweight moisturizer in these areas. 

On your cheeks near your ears

- If your acne is concentrated on the cheeks near your ears, a dirty cell phone is often the culprit. The glass surface of your phone can contain thousands of bacteria spores that thrive in the warm environment of a battery-heated surface. Think about what your hands touch throughout the day, then every time you pick up the phone to text or check Instagram- you transfer those germs to the phone screen, then smear


all over your face... Gross right!?! 

The fix for this is simple. Pick up a box of

alcohol cleansing pads

next time you're at the pharmacy and keep a stash in your car and purse. Wipe off the phone on all sides at least once a week, but I try and do it 3 times a week and I have noticed a huge change in my zit situation. I do it whenever I'm waiting for something, like a meal to arrive at my table, or when I'm waiting for my daughter at the bus stop... It takes very little time, but is such a good habit to form. 

Along your hairline

- Hairline pimples can be caused by excess soaps and cleansers that aren't rinsed off fully during your cleansing session. I learned this the hard way when I started regularly cleansing at night. I was proud that I was in the habit of nightly cleaning but as I got a little lazier I realized that I was leaving extra product on my skin around the perimeter of my face, and as a result I started getting pimples in my hairline. 

Whiteheads form in the hairline very easily because the pores on your scalp are much larger than the skin on your face. So if you're noticing regular zits just beyond the hairlines border- add an extra rinse to your process. I added a snugly fitting sports-type headband to my washing regimen, to hold the hair firmly out of my face while washing. 

Within your eyebrows

- eyebrow pimples are often caused by irritation after waxing or tweezing. If you often breakout after a visit to the brow spa, try adding an antihistamine to your regimen. Take a low-dose antihistamine (such as kids Benadryl) before you head to the salon for a wax. It will help your skin from breaking out in an allergic type response from the waxing. Or opt for a post wax anti- inflammatory like Advil to keep redness and swelling at bay, and use an astringent to clean the skin such as

witch hazel


If your waxing technician applies a soothing oil to the skin after your wax, ask if she can swap it out for

Aloe Vera,

or just bring a small bottle of your own to use instead. And finally avoid lots of makeup on these areas until they've had 2 days to heal and your brow/lip acne will be a thing of the past. 

Only on one or both sides of your face

 on the jawline and neck- If your zits have a home only on the far sides of your face and neck, it could be a sign your not washing your pillowcase often enough. Side-sleepers can struggle with acne along one or both sides of their face, while the forehead, nose, & chin remain blemish free. The pillowcase is another Bactria harboring love-fest and you can understand why; that warm environment breeds skin sabotaging bacteria like nobodies business. 

Channel your inner Martha and make a pledge to wash those sheets at least every other week and you'll see huge dividends in your overall skin luster and health. 

***Remember that I am not a dermatologist, and I do not claim to know the answers to all of your acne problems. But my experience with adult acne and my training in the beauty industry have helped me to understand these causes of my own acne as well as some of my clients. I believe this is sound advise that will help, but beyond these tips genetics and hormones also play a big role- so teaming up with a doctor my still be necessary to fight your acne completely. 

How's my #nopickingpledge going, you ask!?! Come back on Thursday for a full run down of my progress and to learn about the acne products I have been using for the four three months.

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Hi friends, thanks for stopping by! Today I'll be on my favorite day time show Studio5 talking about some lesser known beauty products that you may have never heard of, but cannot live without once you've tried them. I'm calling this grouping the

Snoop List

and this edition is all about skin and makeup. 

 In October I'll be back on the show sharing the hair product edition, so please check back for that one too. If you've been reading for a while you may see some products I have mentioned before but I wanted to share again since I love them so much - plus you'll see a bunch of newbies to the blog that I am exited to call my new favs. 



Glam Glow Super-Clearing Mud Mask

 Black heads have met their match with this miracle mud. Apply it to your break outs and watch the magic as it dries and the 


 infused mask sucks the oil right out of your pores. You'll have 


 smaller pores and smoother skin with each use. #addicting [yes, I just hashtagged in a post]


Bliss Fuzz-Off Facial Hair Remover

 Peach fuzz and that unwanted upper lip hair 


 in 3 minutes with this stuff. It has a really 


 smell (


 is rare in hair removal!) but the coolest part is the double sided applicator tip which makes application 






 This egg-shaped gizmo has taken the beauty world by storm, but don't be fooled by the copy-cats... the original is still the best. Believe me- I have tried them all! Simply soak the suede-like textured egg in water, squeeze it out, then use it to apply your


or liquid foundation. You'll get an airbrushed effect and the unique shape allows you to get into those hard to reach areas of the face. 


Anastasia Reusable Brow Stencils


Brow Kit

 with Stencils. If you struggle designing the shape of your brow or often over-tweeze, then this brow stencil is a must-have. Pick the shape that fits your brow best and then using a pencil outline the shape onto your skin. Once you've drawn on the shape grab your tweezers and only remove the hairs outside of the line. Presto! You can also use the stencil to fill in your brows with color to get a perfect and symmetrical brow every time.


Dior AirFlash CC Primer

 Get instant primer with a corrective tint in a flash- literally. I love the simple and quick burst of primer when I need to move a little quicker in the morning and don't have time to blend. Dior fans will all love this new concept in CC cream, and you'll love the 


 power it gives your makeup while 


 red under tones. 


Avon Mega Mascara

 The whole world of mascara has been turned on its' head with this puppy! The first non-wand applicator is really fun to use (takes some getting used to) and give both eyes the same amount of love because your nose is not in the way. Genius Avon! The formula give shiny black lashes a whole new meaning, and I can't get enough of it.


Korres Greek Yogurt Overnight Facial

 Centuries of women have used greek yogurt on their face and they can't ALL be wrong... so slather this stuff on before bed and get the same luxury results as those Greek goddesses. The lactic acid is a great exfoliator and gives a fresh toned surface to the skin, and the creamy protein leaves parched skin fully rehydrated. Just... don't eat it.


Smashbox O-Gloss

 This gloss uses some serious science to give you the perfect pout. It's formulated with goji berry which mimics the 'blushing' response in your skin. When applied you get a flush of color to your lips from the inside out, so the color is 


 unique and perfect for your skin tone, because it


from your skin tone. Cool eh?


NYX Dewey Setting Spray

 Finish off every morning with a few spritzes of this setting spray that not only locks in your makeup but it adds a dewey sparkle to your your visage. Not in a sweaty or oily way-- just a subtle gleam that look fresh. It's got a knockout price tag too, so jump on board with this one! 

Hope you find your way to at least one of these goodies, you won't regret it! Please follow along with me on


too, and be sure to say hello so I can see your beautiful faces.

WANT TO WIN SOME OF THESE GOODIES!?! Enter to win using the rafflecopter entry form below- each step gives you an additional entry into the drawing. One lucky winner will receive:

  • The Korres Overnight Facial

  • Smashbox O-Gloss

  • Bliss Fuzz Off

  • Anastasia Brow Stencils

  • Beauty Blender

Good luck!

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a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sample products from the companies above were provided to The Beauty Snoop



Every now and then there is a gizmo like this that catches my eye-- either because it is so silly looking I have to try it for a great laugh, or because there is scientific theory behind the gadget and it


just actually work! The

Air Curler

fits in both of those categories... so take a look at my discoveries for this As Seen on TV whatcha-ma-call-it.

At first glance the Air Curler looks somewhat illegal. My husband thought I had a bong shipped to the house -- uh no, honey it's not a bong. The theory is quite sound however. The attachment creates a wind tunnel on any blow dryer and whips the hair into a funnel while simultaneously heating and twisting the hair.

So, does it work?


The air curler does work if you follow the directions ie. your hair should be dry at the root and just slightly damp through the ends (I just ran a comb under the faucet and then combed it through, but you can mist it too). Next, section your hair into 2-3 inch clumps and drop the piece into the cyclone and heat thoroughly. After the section has twisted itself and formed a curl, you'll need to let it cool completely before you do anything else. After it has cooled you can comb through the curls to loosen them up so you don't have a head full of faux-dreadlocks. 


Because of the 'whipping' nature of a cyclone, the Air Curler does not create smooth or refined curls. Check out the pic of me immediately after I finished. [click on it to enlarge] Can you say frizz-city!?! And luckily for me I don't have frizzy hair to start out with. In my final 'After' pic

I did not use any additional heat tools

, I just used a smoothing brush to calm the frizz and a little bit of hairspray- but the curl was significantly looser after I smoothed the hair with a brush.

is it worth it?

Depends. This is significantly less money than a curling iron and it does get the job done. If you like that windblown tousled look- this thing is boss! But, if you are looking for smooth and finished curls you will not get it without the use of an iron. I do not predict this will work with anyone with super straight/resistant, natural curly, or frizzy hair... and while we are at it, add short hair to the list of non-buyers.

This might be great for those of you who struggle with irons however, but be advised the gizmo is quite bulky and will take up a decent amount of space on your vanity. 

Wrapping up: the Air Curler is cool and very fun to use! It is a great lesson in cyclone power and I think it could be used for dozens of 5th grade science experiments.

Is it a 'must buy'?

I am gonna say no, but it is a fun buy and may be great if your hair fits the correct criteria. 

Wanna give it a try? You can buy it at


(online only) 

Thanks for stopping by- and be sure to tune in Thursday for a BIG giveaway and my latest appearance on Studio5. We are talking about beauty products you've never heard of... but need to know about!

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NYX makeup,, The Best NYX makeup, cheap makeup brands

You know that rare place where high quality comes together with low cost, all wrapped up in a nice package? Like I said, it's


. So when I find that glimpse of perfect harmony- I like to shout it out from the roof tops. This is


kind of post!

* * *

Makeup junkies, celebrities, and every-day divas have all fallen for

NYX cosmetics

. (pronounced like 'Nicks' by the way) This stuff is high grade when it comes to ingredients, performs like the big-dawgs ie. MAC, and has a price point that makes you double take. Literally, I was showing my mom some of the goodies that I use daily, and one of them still had a $9 price tag on it... she was shocked, to say the least.

So if you are a budget shopper, but still want the look and feel of department store brands- NYX is where you should start. Most of the line is priced well under $10, so if there is ever a time to take a risk with a new color or new type of application- THIS IS THE TIME PEOPLE! [roof tops, remember?]

In the


below, I am highlighting a handful of my top picks from


... but pay attention to the applications too. Sometimes you think

a color is too bold for everyday wear

, but that might be because you are applying it incorrectly! Almost every color can be worn during the day if you use it in a light-handed way. So take a second to learn something new, then come back and get excited about adding these affordable rockstars to your makeup bag, plus tons of other goodies beyond just these mentioned in this post. 

NYX cosmetic- review on eyebrow push up bra, cheek stick, eye color pencil, and dewey setting spray

Face Full Of:

NYX Push-Up Bra for EyeBrow

NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil Yogurt

NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil Rocky Mountain Green

NYX Stick Blush Orchid

NYX Propel My Eyes Mascara

NYW Dewey Finish Setting Spray

Do you have a NYX obsession? Let me know in the comments below- I'd love to hear your thoughts! And be sure to check out one of my fav online beauty shops

where you can buy these goodies and tons of other great brands too. If you are a Utah gal- you can shop NYX at the Got Beauty location in

Sugar House

Thanks for reading and


! Enter to win a NYX prize pack worth $50 from Got Beauty using the entry form/link below, and good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This post was sponsored by Got Beauty- thank you for supporting the companies that support this blog



Everyone loves a good Summer tan. And while I am all about SAFE sun exposure during the warm months, it doesn't have to end there.

Faux tanning

is part of my beauty


year round... just ask my 'tanning pillowcase' who only gets slept on post tanning application- she knows what's up. But there is another piece to the glowing skin puzzle: SHIMMER!

For some of you shimmer might be a four-letter-word. This usually happens if you have a bad experience when applying shimmer and end up looking like a sweaty pixie-dust covered tween. (that's a real thing, I googled it) 

But when applied correctly, shimmering and illuminating products can transform a face and leave you feeling glowy year round without looking scary. I promise.

When it comes to shimmer... I tend to lean towards the less expensive options. Why? 

  • Because you may not like the results, so don't spend a ton to experiment.

  • Because the ingredients tend to dry out or separate quicker in shimmering makeup (across the board on all brands), so if you have to trash it--- you don't cry tears of remorse!

  • Because it may not be an everyday product depending on your work environment. Spend more on the daily use stuff.

That is where

Sonia Kashuk

comes in. Her illuminating products are spot on, and give awesome results for just pennies people! So do yourself a solid, and pick up a couple of her goodies next time you're at Target- or shop them below then follow my guide to get the perfect hint of sparkle.













Face Full Of:

Sonia Kashuk Take Cover Concealer

... so good under eyes!

Sonia Kashuk Luminosity Highlight Stick

| Dupe Alert: 

Benefit Watts Up Highlighter

Sonia Kashuk Beautifying Blush

Sonia Kashuk Illuminating Bronzer

 | Also love her

Cream Bronzer


Get your shine on- and let me know how it goes! Take a pic and tag me on


when you try one of these awesome products, so I can see your results! @beautysnoop

Got a beauty question you've always wanted to ask? Let me answer it in my

Ask The Expert

posts- send me an email to

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Aveda lipstick and makeup top picks
Best Aveda Makeup

The Autumn bug has bit me! I am feeling the changes in the air, and I can't wait to make some updates to my wardrobe and makeup. If you follow me on


- you may have seen that I was invited to preview some new Fall makeup from Aveda. My local Aveda at City Creek Center, is like sensory heaven!


oxblood lipstick trend

is such an easy update to your Fall makeup routine, and although the deep shade of red may seem intimidating to you- I swear it is the most flattering shade on every skin tone. I witnessed this

Aveda Lip Color




) go on at least 10 different skin tones during this event, and not a single one looked bad wearing it. Seriously! I have never seen that happen before, so you better believe I snatched up a tube of this stuff for myself. If you are going to buy ONE THING this fall for your makeup bag- this color lipstick should be it!

Face Full Of:

Benefit Stay Flawless Primer

Aveda Tourmaline Cream


Aveda Tinted Moisturizer

Nars Blush/Bronze Duo


NYX Rio Shadow


Magic Marc'er Liner

NYX Doll Eye Mascara


Aveda Redwood Lipstick

While I was at Aveda to browse 


 I did wander over to the skin care goodies. And somehow, I am not sure how- I ended up with two other yummy finds in my basket. Darn hands always seem to be like magnets to those shiny bottles!

I took home the

Aveda Tinted Moisturizer


Shade 02 Beechwood

) and let me tell ya... AMAZE! I am going to add this to my list of recommends on my

BB Cream post

(*remember that BB Cream is just a fancy title for tinted moisturizer) This stuff has the best fragrance of any tinted cream that I have used- it's almost minty and I love it! The coverage and texture are also a little heavier, but without feeling greasy or makeup-y. I have added it to my routine on the daily, and will be buying more of this for sure.

Lastly, I snagged the

Aveda Tourmaline Charged Hydrating Cream

. The word


sparked my attention, because of its use inside heat styling tools in the hair industry. It's a mineral used to smooth and shine hair... and apparently skin too! This stuff is thick and uber-riche (like my german/french there?) It is a great day cream and I think it will be perfect for rehydrating my skin in the upcoming cold and dry months. I wouldn't recommend it for oily skin, however- but for dry ladies and gents, this stuff is boss!

I know there are millions of die-hard Aveda fans out there- so if you are one of them, please share with me your favorite products that I need to try on my next visit. And as always, I'd love it if you would sign up to follow me by email, bloglovin, or on


. xoxo

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One of the most common beauty errors that women make, is attempting to style their hair at home with the WRONG type of brush. It's kind of astounding actually! Maybe not. Might be a



But I do know that using the correct brush can transform your hair and get you better results after you've left the salon. And in my very experienced (tee hee) opinion-

every woman needs to have these five brushes in her drawer

. No matter the hair type, length, texture... these five brushes will cover all of your bases, and arm you with the tools to accomplish the perfect look. Why these 5? I'll tell you-

Detangling Must Have:

Cricket Argon & Olive Oil Infused Comb

Yup, you read that right- Oil Infused People! Technology makes everything better- and this comb is seriously cutting edge. Cricket has developed a way to infuse these natural oils into the plastic while it is being made, and the result is a smooth snag free texture that glides through the hair with complete ease. It is a Godsend for curly gals, but also works great for fine haired ladies who are worried about breakage. It's perfect for a shower comb, but I use it most often after I have applied my leave-in spray & oil, then I glide the comb through without a snag in sight! 

Curl & Lift Must Have:

Drybar Half Pint Round Brush

If you know DryBar- then you know these guys have the perfect blowout down to a science. They don't perform millions of blow drys around the country without learning a thing or two along the way. These round brushes are made of high quality ceramic that contain advanced mineral technology. Basically, when you apply heat to the minerals- negative ions are released and blasted on to the hair. The result? Smooth hair that shines like never before. I've used a lot of round brushes in my day- but this is the one to beat. [If you've got long locks- you can bump up the size to the

Full Pint


Teasing Must Have:

Marilyn Teasing Brush

Teasing, backcombing, ratting... whatever you call it, there comes a time when you need to use it. Some women use tease every day, some only for a rarely occurring updo- but either way, you need a comb designed specifically for teasing to get the best results, and to prevent damage to your hair. The Marilyn utilizes multiple rows of stiff bristles at varied heights, so you get more bang for your buck with each stroke. I prefer this brush because it is sturdy and will hold up to tons of pressure without breaking. And the pointed tail makes parting, sectioning and lifting your hair easy and quick. Love!

Smoothing Must Have:

The Shine Brush

 (by the makers of Wet Brush, which I love too!)

I have gushed about The Wet Brush before, so it's no surprise that it sister brush made the list of

must-have brushes

. The shine brush is an all-purpose brush designed to smooth life's tangles without tugging or tearing. It can be used on wet or dry hair- and works wonders on the tangled tresses of screaming four-years-olds. The secret is in the bristles; they are super thin and use a flex technology so that they bend & give just the right amount, plus boar bristles also join the party to smooth hair and distribute your natural oil along the strand. I love to use this brush before every shower to massage the scalp and to loosen up any buildup on my hair. Millions of brushes sold tells you that I am not alone.

Straightening Must Have:

Denman Classic 7 Row Brush

Denman is a name that has been in the beauty industry since the dawn of time. These brushes may look un-assuming, and you've probably seen them before without knowing their true potential. The half-moon shape is perfect for straightening your hair with your blowdryer. Place an outer row of bristles on the scalp, then rock the brush along the moon shape curve to the other side. Without using your hands, the brush will pickup the perfect section of hair ready to use your dryer with. You can glide the brush and dryer down the length of the strand, with just enough tension to straighten hair and give a smooth finish. Sleek strands for days with this puppy!

Upgrade your brushes for Fall along with your wardrobe- you won't be disappointed. And the paparazzi won't be able to stay away from you! Thanks for reading, see you over on


too for an extra look at my beauty-full life.  

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The best of Marc Jacobs Beauty products

If you're tuned into the makeup gossip scene (apparently that's a real thing...) you may have heard the build up and buzz over the new makeup line from fashion design icon Marc Jacobs. This line has been years in the making- and was probably the most anticipated new product release in the last decade. Why? Because Marc Jacobs isn't just a creator of beautiful clothing, he is also known for pushing the boundaries of design and uses color and texture unlike any other American designer.

It was pretty much a given that his makeup line would be

exquisitely packaged and branded

- but that is the understatement of the century. When I opened up my

Marc Jacobs Beauty

delivery, the packaging was almost too gorgeous to open. Literally. I have never seen such high quality plastic, mirrors, closures, caps and even protective sleeves for shipping. WOWZA! You have to see it and feel it to believe it. Ok enough gushing, let's talk about the

four stand out products that you need now


Eye-Con Palette

eye shadow

Marc Jacobs eye shadow, eye liner, concealer, lip gloss review

Holy pigment Batman! These palettes come in groupings of




colors, with fabulous names such as 'The Tease' and 'The Rebel'. The tones are beautifully coordinated to give you tons a variation and the colors are SO PIGMENTED that you need not use a heavy hand to get brilliant color. Honestly, I am still shocked when I apply these colors to the eyelid - one swipe of the brush and you have more than enough color to work with. This is a great quality since the price point for these palettes is at a luxury level, but you will get tons of use out of these colors for years!

Magic Marc'er

calligraphy eye liner

If you love a good cat-eye like I do... you need this liner! The tip is rigid yet flexible so that you can get a beautiful graduated line across the lid quickly and precisely. The formula is so black and shiny, it looks like vinyl (in a sexy catsuit kinda way) all day long. A new must-have for me.


concealer pen

I don't know what it is about products that


that I love so much, but this is another genius use of the click-technology. It is fun to use, but it also delivers a beautiful textured concealer that has a hint of sheen and a nice coverage perfect for dark circles. The tip of the pen is so cool...literally and figuratively. Concealer dispenses through the center opening onto the smooth cool & angled applicator. It glides on easily without tugging on the skin- which I think is essential for any under eye application.

Lust for Lacquer

vinyl lip gloss

These colors are infused with champagne and grape juice, which makes them yummy enough to drink...although that is not advised. The texture is so lovely and the sheer tints glide on perfectly. They give a nice plump to the lip which I always want from my lip gloss, and the applicator tip is cushion-perfection. I love the coral shade 'heart shaped', but I am going to be adding darker tones for my fall wardrobe.

I have talked about my hesitation when it comes to celebrity product lines


- but Marc Jacobs Beauty definitely

does not

fall into the category of 'endorsement-design'. It is clear that his signature is all over the look and production of these products, and his experience in the fashion industry is the reason why the quality matches the hype.  I can't wait to use more of this stuff- and now you can too. Shop the makeup below or at your local Sephora.

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Hello my lovely readers! So glad you've stopped by today to check out the latest edition of StyleWise. Now that my hair is as long as it has ever been (without extensions) I have been wearing a miriad of updo styles to keep myself cool during these hot months. I also love an up style on day-3 hair when it has just enough 'dirt' to hold teasing and bobby pins well.

This hairstyle is a variation on a rope twist braid that starts at the nape of the neck, travels to the crown and wraps around in a bun topper. To achieve this look, I actually lay face down on my bed and hang my head over the edge. Why not let gravity help you out from time-to-time? Once my hair is all draped down towards the floor, I can begin twisting at the neck and work towards the crown. Much like a french braid- I simply incorporate hair from each side along the way until I have finished the twist. Secure the rope with an elastic and then wrap the rope tail into a bun and secure with two spin pins. Fun eh?

Don't know how to rope twist?... keep scrolling for a pin-worthy (hint, hint) illustration!

easy twist hair style

Hope this gives you some inspiration for your next up style. You may get a blood rush to the head if your try my version, but just think of all the other possibilities too. Top knot, low and over-the-shoulder, Princess Leia buns...sans golden prisoner bikini, of course!

See ya soon beautiful friends- and if you've got a minute, please share this blog with a fellow beauty lover, so I can continue to grow and spread the wealth. Thanks!

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Jamberry Nails, Incoco Nail Applique, Sally Hansen Salon Effects, Essie Sleek Sticks

Nail decals and appliques make it possible for every women to wear gorgeous nail designs without an expensive trip to the salon. And for every time I have heard a client say 'I am so bad at painting my own nails...', I now have a great alternative to suggest to them.  The biggest bonus in my eyes is that the decals apply quickly with no dry time, but they also withstand the harsh conditions that my hands endure every day at the salon.

But, not all polish strips are created equally- so I put together this post with my results and recommendations. While this experiment isn't scientifically sound, I have used all of these brands more than one time and my findings are consistent. Let's dive in shall we

Okay: Essie Sleek Sticks($10) I so wanted these appliques to be awesome since I am a big fan of Essie polish, but unfortunately these were pretty unbearable to me. I wanted them off my fingers almost immediately because the thick sticker like polish strips leave an exposed tacky edge that catches on just about everything.  And the textured rhinestones also grab onto hair and clothing etc. These are more appropriate for a one-time use such as a dance or wedding. Trying to wear them longer than that is not advised.

Good: Sally Hansen Salon Effects ($9-12) These polish strips were the first on the scene and their popularity pushed other major nail brands to begin producing their own versions. These strips are the thinest of all the appliques I have tried which makes them flexible and easy to stretch to fit. However they can tear easily during application and the edges succumb to wear easily within the first few days. The price point on these is very reasonable and you can find them in grocery and drug stores everywhere. A great choice for teens and drugstore beauty buyers.

Better: Incoco Nail Polish Applique ($10) I discovered Incoco when I received a sample from

BirchBox about six months ago. The design they sent me wasn't my favorite, but the strips applied so quickly (the fastest application of all), the thickness and flexibility of the strip is perfect, and they remained almost flawless through the first week. So, I ordered several more sets, including the blue design above and have been really happy with all of them. Incoco also makes french tip options that are really fun too.

Best: JamBerry Nails ($15) Jamberry has the cutest and most fashion-forward designs of any of the brands I have seen that are appropriate for women in the workplace and beyond (even sports team logos!). The application processes is slightly different requiring you to heat the strip with a blowdryer for a few seconds before application. This extra step does take more time but it also ensures a secure bond that holds up to wear and tear the most thoroughly. They call them nail 'shields' and that seems to be a fitting word- they add protection and thickness to the nail without bulky edges. More money, but longer lasting results.

Do you have a nail decal favorite? Tell me below in the comments so I can check it out!

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non shampoo washing, WEN conditioning cleanser

Today's question came in from reader Kristen, who said- 'Will you do a post about

co-washing? I was reading about it online for curly hair, and I don't get it...?'

Excellent question Kristen! And thanks for sending it in so that I can clear up any confusion or maybe teach you something new.

What is Co-Washing? Co-washing stands for Conditioner Washing.

Many women with natural curly hair have been using the conditioner wash method for a long time. But, the movement has picked up steam in recent years due the mainstream introduction of non-lathering cleansers and creams. You can check those out below.

Who should be co-washing?

-Anyone who suffers from extremely dry or frizzy hair (especially curly hair)

-Someone with dry, tight, or flaky/peeling scalp

-Someone who has trouble with rapid hair color fading (ie. rapid fading due to the use of fashion colors [blues, pinks etc.] or very porous damaged hair that cannot hold color)

-Someone has sensitivity or allergy to common detergent ingredients found in traditional shampoo

Who shouldn't be co-washing?

-Anyone with excess oil in the hair and scalp

-Someone with very fine, thin or limp hair who struggles to achieve volume at the crown

-Someone who wears glue, bead, or tape-in extensions (conditioner can cause slipping at the point of the bond, so avoid use at the scalp, but go ahead and go buck-wild with conditioner on the lengths of your extensions)

What is the process of co-washing?

Co-washing is done in the shower just like a traditional hair cleansing, but instead of using a lathering shampoo- you use only conditioner to cleanse the hair and scalp. After thoroughly saturating the hair and scalp with warm water, first use the pads of your fingers (never your finger nails) to loosen up the scalp by massaging vigorously. This massaging action will begin to loosen any oil, dirt or product buildup on the scalp, and separate the hair so that your fingers will be able to move through the hair without too much tugging.

Next, do a thorough rinse in the warm water again to remove initial oils and buildup. Then apply a generous amount of your conditioner starting at the crown (the highest point toward the back) of your head and also to your hairline and temples where hair is the most oily. Spread the conditioner around focusing on the scalp, not the hair. Again, using the pads of your fingers massage the conditioner vigorously to cleanse the scalp and lift away oils and buildup.

When the scalp has been thoroughly cleansed, use a wide-tooth shower comb to detangle the hair from root to end and spread the conditioner through the remaining lengths of hair.

Finally, rinse the conditioner out for several minutes to ensure it is completely removed. While rinsing continue to work the scalp to aid in the rinsing process. Style the hair as usual following your co-wash.

* * *

It is hard for me to say rather co-washing is right for you or not. You'll have to experiment with the results and determine that for yourself. But I have gone through periods with my hair where conditioner washing was needed, specifically when I was growing my hair long and dealing with breakage, and when I was transitioning from blonde hair to brunette and my color was fading too quickly. I still prefer a traditional sulfate-free shampoo most of the time for myself, but I have several curly haired clients who swear by the technique. And also hippies... hippies love a good ol' co-wash :)

You can shop my recommended conditioning cleansers below, and please let me know your favorites and results! Thanks for reading- I'd love for you to sign up for email posts on the top left sidebar so you don't miss out on all things beautiful. 

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Sweat Block review, best antiperspirant for hyperhidrosis, avoid botox for sweating

Airing your flaws out on the world wide web is terrifying. There, I said it. (Phew... sigh of relief to just say it out loud via keyboard strikes, of course)

No but really, I have really struggled with this post because honestly it is a touchy subject for me. But, ultimately I decided to go forward with it- on the hope that I might help someone else out there who suffers from

extreme underarm sweating

. Or


if you want to get fancy. 

For me sweating started in Junior High, as it does for most pubescent tweens, but I noticed right away that it wasn't the same for me as it was for my friends. I was noticeably more sweaty than the other girls on my cheer squad- and I'll never forget the shame I felt the first time a boy (who shall remain nameless, but you better believe I still know who it was, 20 years later) pointed out the rings of moisture I had under my arms on my shirt. Devastated, my wardrobe quickly evolved to include only dark colors. I have lots of horror stories actually, but I'd rather not relive them- and I can only type the word 'sweat' so many times in a day.

Fast forward a few years and I had learned to handle the sweating, knowing that

stress and nervousness

are major triggers for me. I worked on keeping myself calm and planning ahead for stressful situations, but I also had tried almost every type of antiperspirant out there. And while I had found products that helped, I still dealt with the sweating daily.

Desperate for a better solution, I began researching

the use of Botox to combat extreme sweating

. The chemical known for temporarily paralyzing facial muscles in most of Hollywood, also can be used to shut down sweat glands in the underarms. But after some serious soul searching, I decided that injecting Botulism into my underarms was not the route for me- especially seeing as I have since breastfed two babies, it made me more comfortable knowing those chemicals could never be introduced into my child.

About a year ago, while cruising through a daily-deal site, I saw an offer from


. The product promised to stop underarm sweating for 7 DAYS with each use. Intrigued, I hopped online and did some research. While their website looks 'info-mercial/salesy', the testimonials from users were powerful, and the product had also been seen and tested on the Rachel Ray and Today shows. So, with a little hope I clicked 'buy' and my life has been different ever since.


is different because it is a liquid form of aluminum chloride at 14%, which is the highest percentage I have seen, but it still falls within the FDA guidelines for safety- especially because it is only applied once per week. It is applied using individual towellettes at night time about every seven days, when your body is resting and not usually sweating. The product temporarily shrinks down the sweat glands, inhibiting the over-production of perspiration. You still use a typical deodorant daily so you don't cause fainting in a crowded elevator, but the product is powerful and effective.

Do I still sweat sometimes? Of course.

Sweating is part of life, it is natures way of cooling and is essential for our health. But do I walk around with my arms slightly raised hoping to catch a breeze, or make a pitstop at the ladies room hand dryer on the daily? No. And that is worth every penny. 

Hope this honest and embarrassing confession helps someone out there. If you know someone who might benefit from my experience, please share this with them. Let's hang out on


too, I promise not to stink up your timeline (bwahh hahh hah, sweat joke :)

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orogold 24K peeling review, Peter Thomas Roth peeling gel review

Ever wish you could scrape off the dull skin you see in the mirror and reveal the pore less skin you once had as a fresh faced youngin? I do. And I am not


old yet, so I am trying really hard to take care of the skin I have now. So when I started to notice that my face looked duller and that my makeup was settling into my pores more than it used to, I got depressed (just a little- because I have bigger fish to fry in the long run, y'know what I am sayin?) ... and then I got to work looking for some ways to remedy the situation without extreme measures such as laser or chemical peels.

When, like an answer to my dull-skin prayers- I was accosted by a very persistent sales women in the mall who works for Orogold. This women was intense, like too intense. And all up in my face #literally,  examining my complexion, while I tried to push my stroller around her and flee for safety. After 30 seconds of dodging and saying 'no thanks' on repeat... I finally took the sample from her hand, and high-tailed it out of there!

And while I do not like high-pressure sales of any kind, I could not deny the WOW factor of the product she gave me:

Orogold 24K Deep Peeling

. After a single use, I was hooked and I knew that I would have to make the walk of shame back to the mall and buy the full size jar. *Side note: this product can be purchased online, but it is my experience that if you do walk in to a store location, you can talk the price down or bundle products together for a discounted price. Again, that type of selling is annoying to say the least, but for a product that is this remarkable, I deal with the hassle.

And while the Orogold peeling product is still my favorite, I did find a similar product with great results as well- just in case you aren't in the mood to haggle at the mall or you need an option with a lower price point. The

Peter Thomas Roth Peeling Gel

is a great alternative is more widely available. Both will give you a renewed complexion, lessen the appearance of pores and fine lines- and give you a youthful glow. My favorite benefit of using peeling gels, is the way my makeup looks on the skin in the days following a treatment. Like I have a perma-airbrushed photo face. Ahhh

What is a peeling gel?

A peeling gel is a gel type exfoliant that breaks down the first layers of dry dead skin cells on the surface of your face. The magic is that the gel works in seconds (so fast it is freaky) and literally causes the skin to ball up and peel away,

just like the pieces of rubber that you see left behind when using an eraser on paper

. And it does this without an ounce of pain, sting or tingle. Unheard of! It amazes me every time I use it- still even after 9 months of trial.

The ingredients behind the magic

Orogold products all contain 24K gold. Literal flecks of gold, pepper each product and the company uses historical references to Cleopatra and ancient Chinese queens who all used pure gold in their beauty routines to promote radiant and youthful skin. Beyond the dazzle of the gold- are the ingredients that really do the work in peeling gels. Fruit enzymes (vitamins C&E) found in pineapple and pomegranate, gently dissolve the dead skin cells and allow them to be easily rinsed away with cool water. Then green tea and glycerin leave the skin moisturized with a noticeably smoother & polished surface.

Who should be using a peeling gel?

Anyone who suffers from dull lack-luster skin will see instant benefits with a peeling gel. It is a product that works right before your eyes, so there is no guessing or waiting to know if you'll see results. Also, for those of you who use sunless tanning products (like me), you may notice a build up of pigment in certain spots on your face, usually where you are dryer or have larger pores. After a peel, my pigmentation returns to an even playing field, and all my products and makeup apply more evenly and absorb better. For those who are noticing deeper pores or fine lines, a peeling gel will lessen the appearance by removing surface layers and brightening the skin.

Peeling gels should be used no more than once a week, so it is an investment product that will give you months of benefits. This one is truly a favorite find of mine and I am excited to share it with you after seeing such great results on myself and several friends and family members that I have recommended it to. I hope it finds its' way into your makeup bag as well.

Happy glowing, xoxo

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If you have been reading my blog for any decent amount of time- you may have discovered my love for

Colored Bobby Pins (last seen





I put together this collage of my favorite ways to wear bobby pins in an artistic way, and I hope you feel inspired to try using pins in a whole new way. In some of the looks the pin is functional and is responsible for securing the style, while in other styles the pins are purely decorative. Either way, the bobby pins add a splash of color and interesting texture to each hair style. These pins are all from Sephora- they released these

ombre bobby pin color packs

, and I scooped up every color as you can imagine. Shop the pins below because I am not sure if they will be around for too long. 

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Loreal Magic BB Cream, Hydroxatone BB Cream, Dermalogica Tinted Moisture, ##BetterBB

Ok, you all know that

BB Creams

have been all the rage in the last two years, and now their are a myriad of off-shoots jumping on board with the CC & DD creams etc. etc. Honestly, there are 26 letters in the alphabet, so this ridiculousness may continue for some time, but I have finally decided to write a post about the BB bonanza- after having a few emails from readers, and seeing the enormous selection of BB's to choose from. 


Side note: this stuff isn't new and revolutionary

. In the past, companies branded these formulas as

tinted moisturizers

. The renaming to BB (stands for Beauty Balm) happened in the last couple of years and it took off because its catchy and more glamorous sounding than 'moisturizer'. 

I think there is a BB cream out there for everyone, but if you are using the wrong one- you'll likely end up unimpressed and head back to your standard foundations. So, if you've never tried a BB, or you have and didn't love it- here are the things you need to know when shopping.

Use the right product for your age

-Women in their 20-30's should opt for a thinner consistency and luminescent/glowy qualities. These formulas aren't as moisturizing typically, but the thinner solution absorbs better into younger more firm skin. The coverage is also noticeably less with a thinner cream, but you'll still get an even skin tone and a dewy complexion. My recommended brands for women in their 20-30s are

Loreal Magic Skin Beautifier


Dermalogica Tinted Moisturizer

. Both spread easily and give a sheer coverage that can be worn alone or under powdered foundation. *** Newly added favorite:

Aveda Inner Light Mineral Tint

 The smell is minty-perfection and the coverage is spot on! 

-Women in their 40's+ should go for a full coverage BB cream that offers anti-aging ingredients such as Vitamin C and sunscreen protection. These thicker formulas will give more moisture to mature skin and will also help reduce the look of pore size, fine lines and pigmentation. I love

Hydroxatone Anti-Aging BB Cream

for it's great SPF 40 and it's brightening complex.  As well as

Smashbox Camera Ready

because of it's built in primer and mousse like texture. 

Consider this when choosing a BB cream

1- Do you want to wear a BB cream alone, or are you intending to layer it with other makeup?

Either way is fine, just be clear on what it is you expect from the cream- you won't be happy if you expect full coverage and don't get it from the BB cream alone. And on the opposite end if you want a quick glow without much coverage, you'll be disappointed with a richer formula. Decide what your goal is and pick the cream that supports that, for the best results. 

2- Will you use a separate SPF protector or do you want an all-in-one?

You should be using a SPF everyday anyway, but you can eliminate a step if you use a combination BB cream. Just remember that the SPF ingredients do add a scent and more thickness (not necessarily coverage though) to the consistency of the cream.

3- Does the climate or time of year change the amount of moisture you need?

You may need to adjust your brand during different times of the year when humidity and temperature fluctuate. Be prepared to step up your moisture in the cold dry winter or to opt for a matte cream in the heat of the summer for better results.

4- Do you have a skin tone that is outside (too light or too dark) of the standard BB cream shades?

Most BB cream lines come in 3-5 shades and are more of a 'one-size-fits-most' type product because they are designed to enhance not to cover. Unfortunately, this may mean that a BB cream is not right for you, if your skin lives outside those lines. Boo- but you can achieve a similar product by mixing your standard foundation with a lightweight moisturizer or serum. 

5- Do you struggle with shine, oil, or makeup slippage? 

BB creams are (as mentioned above) a tinted moisturizer, so if you have oily skin adding a second moisturizer to your skin may backfire. The solution to this may be replacing your standard moisturizer with a matte/oil free version, or just the BB cream by itself. And in some cases, a BB cream may not be recommended at all for those with very oily complexions. 

Cocktails aren't just for Saturday nights

In the hair world we use the word 'cocktailing' like it's part of everyday vocab. In a nutshell, it means mixing two or more products together in the hands before applying them to the hair [or face]. The reason for this, is that one product might have some benefits we need but the consistency or hold factor isn't right. For example, I may want the hold of a styling gel for my curly haired client, but I don't want the sticky goop factor- so I'll cocktail a gel with a serum to thin out the consistency while still getting the benefit of the gel plus the added shine from the serum, get it? Good.

BB creams make excellent cocktail buddies- try mixing them with:



for an even thinner formula with less coverage, but still a nice sheen. This is great for pre- gym or the pool, because no one should have a full face of makeup at either location. (personal opinion :)


Liquid foundation

to lighten up the color of a foundation that is a tad too dark or heavy.


Highlight/Shimmer cream

to give an extra glow to the face and chest, I love this combo under the eyes and across the top of the cheekbone. (My favorite shimmer is this




Cream blush

to thin out the blush and make it more spreadable 




to amp up the moisture in a tightening serum that can leave the skin feeling too tight

Does the price matter?

In a word- no. Some of the products I prefer are available at the drugstore while some are from higher end retailers or spas. The more important thing is to pick the right formula for your needs- no matter what the cost, you won't be happy if you are using a BB cream that isn't right for your skin type. 

Do you have a BB cream you swear by? Let me know in the comments below and thanks for stopping by- and don't forget to sign up for email or follow on


so you don't miss a post.

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Courtesy sample products of Hydroxatone were provided to The Beauty Snoop


wedding hair style, five minute updo, easy hair style

Ever needed a formal hair style in a pinch? Being a hairstylist it always seems like I help everyone else with their hair first, and then I am left with five minutes to pull my own look together. Isn't that the complete opposite of what they tell you to do when you're on a flight? 'Place your own oxygen mask first before helping others'- something like that right...? Anywho, when I need a quick up-do this is the one I always reach for. It looks effortless and chic, good in the front and back, and takes less than five minutes. Win-win-win. This quick


session will come in handy next time you're running late for your best friends' wedding.

You get the gist from the pics above, but basically

The Five Minute Up-Do

boils down to this:

1-Section the back hair from below the ears down and secure it in a low pony

2-Loosely braid the pony and secure with a clear band (I used pink in the pic to show you, but clear hides much easier)

3-Tease the top section of hair for added height at the crown

4- Spilt the crown section in half vertically to either side of the pony

5-Twist one side starting at the ear and cross over to the opposite side just past the center mark

6-Secure using one

LARGE bobby pin

that matches your hair color

7-Twist the other side in a likewise fashion and tuck the twist underneath the first, secure with a pin

8-Gather the tails from the twists and the braid together and wrap to form a loose messy bun low on the nape of your neck

9-Secure with additional large bobby pins or better yet with 2-3

Spin Pins

for an all-night hold

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tutorial will teach you how to create this

vintage inspired victory roll

look. Now this style is either one that you totally love, or totally hate. I get it. I wear this look at lot to the salon because it looks put together, but I can throw it up in five minutes or less. I usually get a lot of compliments when I wear my vintage styles, but I would be lying if I said I didn't get some sideways glares too.

Honestly, I started experimenting with these pin-up hair styles because it reminds me of my late grandmother Tutu (Hawaiian for grandma). She was so chic back in the day, complete with cat-eye glasses and all. So as an homage to her- and because I am a hairstylist after all, I like to rock these types of looks.

I hope you give it a try- it is much easier than it looks and it give so much character to a simple ponytail or top knot. Plus it is THE BEST of second or third day hair, so next time your feeling a little greasy you can reach into your new bag of tricks and wear your own vintage hair.

Bumble & bumble Holding Spray

(pump spray)

Living Proof Flexible Spray

(aerosol spray)

Teasing Comb

Large Bobby Pins

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Recently a reader of mine, Mary, sent me this question: 'Why do hair stylists hate at-home color so much? I get a complex when I go in for my haircut and she asks what I have put on my hair, only to see her disappointed face when I say [

brand name X


Well, Mary- great question! There are two main reasons stylists are weary of at-home color:

1- It's formulated TOO STRONG for most users- and causes unnecessary dryness

2- USER ERROR in application causes uneven pigment and over-pigmentation

Let's dive into the science a little here so you know exactly what I mean. Permanent hair color is made up of two parts: The Color and The Developer.

The color

ranges in levels from 1-10, where 1 is black and 10 is pale blonde. There are also variations of tones within these levels such as cool ash, neutral, gold, and copper.

The developer (hydrogen peroxide) 

is the agent the transfers the color from the outside of your hair to the inside of your hair. It ranges in strength from 10-40 volume (or 3-10% for those outside of the US) 10 volume is the weakest strength and is used to change hair color by 1 shade, while 40 volume is the strongest and can change hair color up to 4 shades.

[1] Here is where we run in to a problem. Store bought color is designed to work for the MASSES- therefor it is formulated to be very strong (40 volume) whether you need that much power or not. So for the average person coloring their hair a shade or two darker, or just to cover a few grays- you are using 4X's the amount of hydrogen peroxide as you need! And as you can guess this results in unnecessary dryness and breakage. When you visit a salon, your hair is assessed by the stylist and your color is mixed to the strength needed to get the job done. This customization and expertise is what you are paying for, and the structural integrity of your hair remains intact.

[2] Often at home color-users apply their color to the entire head of hair EVERY time they color. Layering artificial color pigment over-and-over itself again is completely unnecessary and causes over-pigmentation. Over pigmentation happens when there is too much color in the hair and it becomes opaque. Light cannot reflect off of the hair or shine through hair- the result is lack luster and dull locks. Another user error happens when color isn't applied evenly. It is easy to color the hair that is visible in the mirror, but areas in the back of the head are often splotchy or missed all together. When a stylist is faced with this type of color job, it will take multiple formulations and several hours to cover and correct the unevenness.

If you simply cannot afford to visit the salon?

Follow these rules to get better results when coloring your own hair at home: 

-Pick a box color that is only 2 shades lighter or darker than your natural color. Trying to a make change bigger than that is risky and not recommended.

-Apply your color only on the new growth for touch ups. Recoloring the entire head of hair will cause dullness and drying. If the color has faded beyond the new growth- apply the color to the lengths of the hair during the last 5 minutes of processing only.

-Rinse with cool water to add shine and keep color from fading in between color jobs.

-Condition with a

healing mask

every other week to keep hair soft and pliable.

-Use a buddy to help you apply the color evenly especially in the back of your head.

So there you have it- I hope this answered some of your questions about at-home color.

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Today on


we are talking about 3 ways you can go to bed with damp hair, and wake up ready to go. I am NOT a morning person (or a shower person), so I have been bathing at night since I was a kid. These three techniques have gotten me the best results over years of experimenting, and the health of my hair has greatly improved since I am limiting my heat use to touch-ups in the morning.  Now, I will admit that there is the occasional wake-up to 'What the Hell?', but it's really nothing a great pony or braid can't hide. Let's get StyleWise, shall we?

Tips for overnight hair success:

1- None of these techniques will work on WET hair... it should be at least 80% dry before you style, otherwise you'll still have damp hair in the morning and be starting from scratch.

2- Frizz reducing products are a must. I use MoroccanOil (use 'Moore Hair Design' as your salon referral to purchase) and Living Proof Prime every time I style, but especially when sleep-styling.

3- Wrap hair in a scarf to sleep to avoid creating fuzz while you roll around. Or at the very least sleep on a satin pillowcase. Never sleep on a towel unless you want to look like you were struck by lightning.

4- Loose is best. Wrap buns, twists, and braids extremely loose- so that air flow is better and you're likely to be completely dry in the a.m.

5- Never use a traditional hair tie/elastic to secure overnight styles. You will 100% have dents and marks in the hair when you wake. Instead use a cushioned pony O or scrunchy, or my new fave Goody Spin Pins and Bun Twists.

Part 1- Over Night Twist Waves (Far Right Image)

Part 2- Overnight Bun Curls (Far Left Image)

Part 3- Overnight Braid Waves (Center Image)

Do you have an overnight technique that I should try? Let me know in the comments below, and please follow along on facebook and instagram. xoxo 

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