Lately I have been noticing more and more mascara brands are creating formulas in a true brown tone- this piqued my interest and took me down the rabbit whole of color theory, and the concept that warm hues are far more flattering on almost every skin tone.

We are just so conditioned to use black in our eye makeup because that is what marketing has told us is the desired goal. But for so many women especially redheads and blondes, black is actually less effective. And even for those women blessed with truly black lashes, layering on a warmer brown brings more light to the eye area and gives a gorgeous result.

I began experimenting with brown mascara and liner over the last several months and the results really shocked me- I noticed that my eye color appeared drastically brighter on the days I wore brown, and people around me noticed too!

So here's the challenge: try swapping out everything you usually wear that's black for brown... but don't tell anyone. Just pay attention to how it affects your eye color, and the way your shadow looks. Let's see how quickly we get a compliment on our eyes!? [video here]

Here are my top BROWN MASCARA AND LINER picks: