/1- Thou shalt shampoo less and condition more.
Bottom line- shampoo the least amount possible. On non-shampoo days rinse hair thoroughly with warm water and massage the scalp with the pads of your fingers to loosen oil and dirt. Then saturate the mid-shafts and ends with high quality smoothing conditioner.
2- Thou shalt only use Sulfate-Free shampoo.
Sulfate is just a fancy word for 'salt'- enough said. Invest in high quality products if you want high quality results.
3-Thou shalt deep condition once per week.
4-Thou shalt avoid muss-drying hair with terry cloth towels.
Instead use a micro fiber shammy, an old cotton T-shirt, or cut up a soft cotton/flannel bed sheet (that one is my favorite). Squeeze out excess water in downward motions from root to tip- this keeps the cuticle closed and smooth.
5-Thou shalt sleep on a silk pillowcase every night.
6-Thou shalt trim your hair every 8-10 weeks.
7-Thou shalt only use a wide tooth comb or fingers to detangle wet hair.
8-Thou shalt apply curl enhancing products to damp hair... scrunch or defuse-
then it's HANDS OFF!
Once you've applied your product and set your style, avoid touching your hair for the rest of the day. The more you touch- the more you'll frizz and poof.
9-Thou shalt avoid heat tools as much as possible.
Curly hair is naturally more dry- so keep heat exposure to a minimum. When you must use heat always apply a thermal protectant spray first
10-Thou shalt love thy curls and embrace your unique look.
My curl product picks: Deva Curl Low-Poo Shampoo and One Conditioner
Moroccan Oil Treatment Oil (enter 'Moore Hair Design' as your salon referral to purchase)
Miss Jessie's Curl Pudding Styling Cream
Miss Jessie's Creme de la Creme Conditioner
SachaJuan Ocean Spray
Betty Dain Satin Pillowcase
Monoi Split End Sealer
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