/Spring time is the perfect season to click 'reset' on your hair and get a fresh start. The winter months often leave us with dry parched hair, and a need for a boost of moisture. I always reccomend a nice trim at the salon in Spring, but adding my 10 Day Hair Repair Recipe for even better results. 10 Days to Better Hair:
Day 1- Begin taking a Hair Supplement daily to repair from the inside out.
Day 2- Shampoo with a protein based Shampoo & Conditioner. Cool rinse after washing.
Day 3- Rest day... no washing or heat tools, instead use Dry Shampoo and refresh the ends with an Argan Oil
Day 4- Protein Treatment on the midshaft and ends of hair to strengthen and washing.
Day 5- Rest day
Day 6- Scalp Treatment using a Scalp Brush and Scalp Elixir
Day 7- Rest Day
Day 8- Shampoo & Deep Conditioning Treatment
Day 9- Rest Day
Day 10- Scalp Treatment
You'll see great improvement in just 10 days, but continue to repeat the regimen to see even better results in 30 days.
This regimen has been carefully crafted to give you just the right amount of protein and conditioning during each 10 day cycle.
Get more details in the video below:
Here is to healthy hair!

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