This is a strange time in the world, and everything feels upside down. Spending weeks at home is tough for sure, but there are some unseen benefits of these ‘less-busy’ days. One of which is wearing less makeup- not only because it saves us some time, but also because we can truly let our skin breath and heal.

It’s no secret I have dealt with my fair share of acne woes. I’ve documented that here for years. But in the last 16 months my skin has taken a major turn for the better… so I wanted to share with you how and why I believe that has happened. But first a look at where I have been in the past for reference;

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Everything changed for me when I finally decided to go back to basics, and to pair down my routine. Here’s a look at the 5 things I would recommend most to anyone else dealing with hormonal acne. [video here]


  • 1- Reduce Processed Sugar. This has been the BIGGEST CHANGE for my skin by far. More helpful than medication, chemical peels, lasers…all of it! Back in 2019 I began a journey to clean up my diet. I was done having babies and really wanted to focus on myself and my body for the first time in a decade. As part of that journey I decided to cut out my daily ‘treats’, like a small cookie after a meal, or cake at a birthday party etc. (I was still eating sugar found in fruit and other foods naturally). Within DAYS the inflammation in my skin lessened, and my acne was no longer feeling itchy. By the end of the mont my acne was cut in half, and the texture of my skin was greatly improved. I still practice this and have had continued results over a year later!

  • 2- Go back to basics on the skin care fighters you choose. For me, I was simply using TOO MUCH. I was desperate for a solution so I tried every ingredient under the sun. Then I decided to scale back everything and just focus on the two most proven ingredients to combat acne. Benzol Peroxide and Salicylic Acid. I use a simple Benzol cleanser, and then a Salicylic liquid every night. This product by Paula’s Choice has thousands of amazing reviews. It deeply penetrates pores, clears them of the gunk- and does it all without drying out the skin. It’s a truly a miracle.

  • 3- Introduce a daily vitamin designed for clear skin. We pretty much all lack in the proper dosage of vitamins and minerals, so adding in a supplement is key. This one by OLLY is my fav! It has Vitamin A & E for skin health, and it also contains zinc to help with cell turnover. Plus it tastes yummy and feels like a little treat, which you’ll need it you practice #1 from above.

  • 4- Keep things clean and sanitary when POPS are necessary. Stop using your dirty fingernails to pop blemishes, and instead use an extractor tool that you can clean with alcohol. An extractor tool also helps to apply pressure evenly so that blemish escape the skin upward and don’t travel under the skin, or cause infection.

  • 5- Heal wounds with an acne patch. After a pop apply one of these medical grade patches, designed to keep bacteria out, as well as absorb the fluid left in the zit. Wear one over night and be amazed at the results! They help to flatten the bump and heal the blemish in half the time.

I hope you are all well and healthy- stay inside, stay safe, and look after your skin! xo

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