Tis the season for happy fingernails! This Springs' nail colors are so great- I am loving everything in the latest collections. The colors are fun and flirty and perfect to wear with any Spring outfit. Here are my top picks. [



Spring 2016 Hot Nail Colors:

Flamingo Pink:

Slate Green:

Barely Lilac:

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Spring time is the perfect season to click 'reset' on your hair and get a fresh start. The winter months often leave us with dry parched hair, and a need for a boost of moisture. I always reccomend a nice trim at the salon in Spring, but adding my 10 Day Hair Repair Recipe for even better results. 10 Days to Better Hair:

Day 1- Begin taking a Hair Supplement daily to repair from the inside out. 

Day 2- Shampoo with a protein based ShampooConditioner. Cool rinse after washing.

Day 3- Rest day... no washing or heat tools, instead use Dry Shampoo and refresh the ends with an Argan Oil

Day 4- Protein Treatment on the midshaft and ends of hair to strengthen and washing. 

Day 5- Rest day

Day 6- Scalp Treatment using a Scalp Brush and Scalp Elixir

Day 7- Rest Day

Day 8- Shampoo & Deep Conditioning Treatment

Day 9- Rest Day

Day 10- Scalp Treatment 

You'll see great improvement in just 10 days, but continue to repeat the regimen to see even better results in 30 days.

This regimen has been carefully crafted to give you just the right amount of protein and conditioning during each 10 day cycle.

Get more details in the video below:

Here is to healthy hair!

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Every now and then (once a week in fact) my hair just needs a major detox. There is buildup from dry shampoo, natural scalp oil, sweat, hair spray and more- that just needs to be gone!

While my regular shampoo does a pretty good job of ridding said buildup, I always reach for a detox shampoo to really get a good deep clean just one day a week.

What is a clarifying or detox shampoo?

Well its a shampoo with more gusto than typical shampoos, meaning it has more intense detergent designed to really break down everything clinging to the hair and scalp, and then wash that gunk away. They can be drying however because of the stronger ingredients, so only use them sparingly for best results.

How do you use a detox shampoo?

Pick one day per week to really focus on a deep cleanse in the shower, and replace your regular shampoo with the detox version. You may need to wash twice if you've got major buildup, and focus on the root area only. Be sure you rinse the hair very well, and follow up with a large helping of conditioner (on the ends only, not the scalp) to replenish lost moisture.

What will the results be?

Your hair will be lighter and bouncier, less weighed down, and your color will be brighter too!

Here are a few of my recommended detox shampoos:

Do you have a favorite detox shampoo I should try? Let me know in the comments below- and be sure you are following me on instagram (@beautysnoop) because my #30DaysOfGiveaways starts April 1st- you won't want to miss it!

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Why are women turning to Natural Makeup?

It's no secret that we as a society have realized that there are far too many chemicals in the things we eat and the put on our bodies. With time under our belts to study the harmful effects of these chemicals many of us are now turning to products that are made more naturally. It's always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to our health, and our makeup should be no exception.

Besides the makeup itself, these types of brands also tend to be cruelty free and use more eco-friendly packaging, which also appeals to a lot of women in todays world.

What are we giving up when we use natural makeup?

Most natural products are Paraben free, which is a preservative that is commonly used in beauty products to extend the shelf life. There has been some research that indicates parabens can cause health issues and side effects however, so choosing products without them may be better for our health. This does however mean that we need to replace the products much more often to keep them healthy on our shelves. Check the labels for expiration dates.

In parabens' place, many lines are now using food-grade preservatives, meaning they could actually be eaten (although that's not recommended, of course) to give a further level of protection when it comes to the chemicals we put on our skin. Take a look at the


below for more details:

A few Natural Makeup lines that I reccomend:

Pacifica Beauty

100% Vegan and cruelty free with a great price point

Tarte Cosmetics


Uses mineral pigments and clays sourced from the Amazon

Pur Minerals


Uses sustainable and responsibly sourced natural ingredients

Do you have any natural beauty lines that you love? Let me know in the comments below. xo

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If you follow me on Instagram [@beautysnoop], you may have seen that I recently had my eyebrows tattooed using a semi-permanent technique known as Hair Stroke Microblading. I have been wanting to have my brows tattooed for years, but never had the courage to go for it.

But after years of contemplating, and of course LOTS of research on experts in my area who perform this type of service, I decided to take the plunge! Here is what you need to know, if you ever want to try it too:

There are two main ways to tattoo brows; one method is soft tap, which is performed by hand using small micro blades. The other is using an electric tattoo pen which is more similar to the types of tattoo guns used in body art.

I chose to go with the soft tap method because the results are slightly less permanent and will require yearly touchups. This seemed less scary to me, seeing as there would be some fading of the pigment... just incase I wasn't happy with it.

After you know what method you prefer, spend plenty of time researching the service providers in your area. For me that research was mostly done on instagram, meaning I followed several technicians for months to gauge the consistency of their work, and see many different before's and afters of patients. I was looking for custom results on each person, and not a 'stenciled' type appearance. I also was looking for someone that created brow shapes that appealed to my personal aesthetic.

Once I made a decision on my technician, it was s time for the big day! I ended up booking with (Sees patients in UT and AZ) and Melanie could not have been more wonderful to work with, she's highly recommended! Check out her instagram for some amazing results. Allure Artistry

The process starts with a numbing cream applied to your brows- it's similar to the types used at the dentist only in a topical form. This helps 'take the edge off' during the procedure. Next, you'll decide on a color for your brows. I brought a few pics on my phone of my normal day-to-day brows when I have makeup on them so she could see the shape and color I am aiming for.

Melanie used a ruler to determine the shape and width of the brows that would best suit my face, and together we tweaked the shape until it was a perfect fit.

Next the actual procedure started, and I am not going to lie... it was more intense than I expected. It hurts in an 'uncomfortable' way, more than a true 'painful' kind of way. The worst part for me was the sound, which is like a repetitive scraping and popping on the skin as the blade cuts through the first layers of skin.

The microblade is used to create small incisions in the skin in the shape of hairs themselves. Then the dye is wiped over the incisions so that as they heal, the dye will be embedded just under the skin. Again it isn't the most wonderful experience in the world, but it is certainly tolerable and worth the final results. You'll also go back for a touchup about 6 weeks after the initial service to fill in any spots that didn't take the dye, and to add some more detail hairs. Maintenance after that is usually once per year.

The healing process was about a week long. The first fews days my brows were very tender to the touch but did not bleed or puss at all, and I was able to return to work the very next day. After that they were slightly itchy as the the top layer forms a thin greyish scab. I was instructed to avoid picking, and to keep the brows moistened with Aquifer at night. After all the skin sloughed off, I was left with a nice rich color, which was about 30% lighter than the color on the day of the application. I have a few spots that need to be touched up at my followup, but not many at all.

Expect to pay around $450 for this type of service, with annual touchups closer to $200. The expense to me was worth it already, because I have brows that are now evenly spaced, much better shaped and colored, and I don't have to spend nearly as much time on my makeup anymore. I wake up with brows and that is amazing! If you've ever wanted to do this, do your research and then go for it, I am so glad I did.

Let me know if you have any questions in the comments below.

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This blog started after years of working in the salon industry and hearing many of the same complaints or questions over and over again. Those common threads drove me to create a place where I can answer the 'cries of help' for a larger audience and share my knowledge with all of you!

One such complaint I still hear in the salon ALL THE TIME is; ‘My hair never grows!'

Well ladies there are several reasons why you feel like your hair won't grow, but there are also several ways to aide in the process and speed things along. So lets look at both sides of the story.

Your hair won't grow because:

1- Breakage at the ends

2- Lack of scalp stimulation and blood flow

3- Poor nutrition and vitamin intake

Three Ways to induce hair growth:

1- Limiting your heat tool usage is going to be number one for keep length on the ends and avoiding breakage. Opt for a maximum of 2 times per week using either a blow dryer or flat iron/curling iron. Which means you'll need to use your dry shampoo on non wash days, or opt to let hair air dry if you are washing more often. And on that note, be sure you are shampooing correctly (here is my guide on that) and protecting the ends with a heat barrier. I recommend Alterna Heat Protection Spray

2- Amp up the blood flow to your scalp to increase cell activity and turnover with scalp stimulation. This can and should be done two ways: with cold water rinses after shampooing, and with scalp massage/dry brushing. The first way is pretty self explanatory, but cold water will quickly bring blood to the surface of the scalp, as well is make hair appear shinier and less frizzy.

Next, you'll want to buy a scalp-friendly paddle brush and thoroughly massage the scalp with long brush strokes nightly on dry hair. (Once your hair has reached the desired length, you can maintain with massage sessions weekly) Avoid brushing through the lengths and ends of the hair, as this could cause breakage- ONLY focus on the scalp. And of course be carful not to scratch or injure the scalp. I recommend The Wet Brush or the Tangle Teezer. Also, be aware of how you sleep. Consistent pressure on the scalp will limit blood flow, so if you ALWAYS sleep in the same position, your hair on that side of your head will grow slower. Rotating throughout the night is ideal for hair growth reasons.

3- Add a hair growth vitamin into your daily nutrition. Good hair comes from within, so eating healthy and exercising are always great places to start. But taking a supplement designed to help hair grow will be a huge step in achieving your goal. These vitamins are packed with Folic Acid, Vitamin E, Biotin, and Coconut Oil to aid in the strength and luster of the hair. My favorite are SugarBearHair Vitamins.

Remember that hair grows on average 1/2 inch per month, but with these techniques you can see that double! Good luck, and let me know if you have any techniques in the comments below, xo


Piper Wai Review, Hairgurt Review, Acne Light Mask Review, Boscia Black Masque Review

Who is that crazy JASON-looking person in the photo, you ask!?

Don't fret... it's me! And yes, I know I look ridiculous, but if you haven't figured that out by now, you need to spend some more time on my blog!

Today I am bringing you a look at some of

the WEIRDEST beauty products

I use and love! They are unique and exciting, plus they make my routine more fun. Check out the

video below

, and let me know if you have any weird products or tools I should try in the comments below.

Thanks for watching and reading, xo

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What are Perfume Oils?

Simply put they are the Creme de la Creme of perfume, with the most concentrated amount of fragrance suspended in an oil base. The formulas don't contain any alcohol so they don't evaporate quickly like traditional perfumes do.


the oil is warmed by your skin

and releases fragrance throughout the day. The formula is rich and luxurious and makes me feel as though I am a delicate lady of a previous decade. (Sidenote: Have you seen the BBC Series, 'The Paradise'? I just binged watched the whole series, and these perfume oils are exactly what the ladies wore back then!) The

fragrance oils are intended to be placed on your pulse points

, and to be massaged into the skin- becoming part of the wearers essence.

This means that every scent will smell 

slightly different on each wearer, 

and the result is truly unique. 

Here are my favorite perfume oils, that are highly recommended (



  • The Blend by Fred Segal Custom Oils Buy one or more of your favorite individual notes, than layer them together for a completely custom fragrance. My top picks are 03 Vanilla, 07 White Tea, and 10 Citrus Zest. Check out these recipe ideas too!

  • Kai Perfume Oil The perfect 'Beach Vacay' scent filled with Gardenia and White Exotic flowers. Reminds me of Hawaii every time I put it on.

  • Inkling Scents This company makes small batch oil perfumes and has some amazing scents and packaging! I love the ink pot and feather quill display for a very lady-like experience. Favs scents include Unify and Sultry.

  • Diptyque Do Son If you've ever smelled a Diptyque candle, you know just how heavenly their scents are. But the perfumes steal the show- and the Do Son scent has beautiful rose and floral notes. The lasting power is great on this one, and the packaging is perf.

  • Nirvana White& Black Black is rich, warm and quite musky with notes of Vanilla and Candlewood. White is a lighter more feminine scent with notes of peony. Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen know a thing or two about mystery, and these scents are a perfect reflection of their styles.

Have you tried perfume oils yet? Let me know in the comments below, smell ya later!

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There's a certain satisfaction when you finish a product... but if its a product you love sometimes that satisfaction is followed by sadness too! It's always hard to say goodbye.

Here are my latest

Garbage Can Loves

, if you will. The Empties that I used and loved to the bitter end- and ones that I am certain you'll love too. Watch the


below for a peak into my tried and true favorites.

Products Mentioned:

Thanks for watching, let me know in the comments below if you have any empties that I should try!

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Cleansing your makeup brushes is a crucial

step that can often be forgotten or postponed too long. Skipping this vital step will not only cause your brushes to not last as long, but it will also prevent the best application of the products themselves. Not to mention the bacteria growth and possible skin irritations and acne that comes from smearing said bacteria all over your face. #AmIRight?

I've posted about

my favorite way to clean my brushes before

, but today I'm snooping out a fun new tool to aid in the process even further.

Sigma Beauty

makes these unique

cleansing gloves and sink mats

, that protect your hands from taking a beating while scrubbing, and they also help to get the job done quicker and more efficiently.

You should be cleaning your liquid/cream 

brushes every 2-3 weeks, and your powder brushes every 6-8 weeks. 

The gloves and mats are made from a high quality silicone that have many different textures built in.

The textured bits are designed to loosen dirt and makeup from your brushes

and then to help reshape the brush before it dries.

I love using this, and it really does make the job quicker and more fun, while saving my hands from getting to raw and dry. I have the

Express Glove

which works great but sometimes can be hard to get a handle on once things get slippery. Next time I buy,  I'll go for the

sink mat

which has suction cups and requires no hands at all!

So if you want to take better care of your brushes, I highly reccomend this gizmo! Thanks for reading, xo

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As an avid spa-goer I am always looking for unique treatments to try- and the


is one that I have wanted to experience for years but never had the opportunity. Until now!

I was lucky enough to have a

Canyon Ranch Spa

onboard my cruise ship recently, so I took the opportunity to embark on a spa adventure that I am excited to share with you.

Canyon Ranch has many beautiful locations

and is well known for its' celebrity clientele and upscale services. The cruise ship versions of the spa was equally beautiful and offered all of the spas signature treatments.

First of all, you might be asking

what is a Shirodhara treatment anyway

? It's a relaxation-focused treatment that has been used for thousands of years in India. The Ayurveda technique traditionally uses warm herb-infused oils on the skin and hair, and let me tell you- it's like a little taste of heaven!

The experience starts out similar to a massage or a facial- where you lie face up on a table (either a massage table or a specially designed table that has a trough system near the head that drains the oil). Typically you'll be in a darkened room, with relaxing scents and music surrounding you, which is wonderful in and of itself!

Your head is tilted back slightly, usually over a rolled towel to aid in the process and avoid oil making it's way down your face. The technician will then began

a small stream of warmed oil dripping from a specially designed pot

, that is hung a few inches above your head. The stream of warm

oil will hit your 'third eye' or the center of the forehead

, and drip its way back into your hair and scalp.

The warm oil is designed to promote healthy blood flow to the face and scalp

, which will relax the muscles and nerves almost instantly. I felt as though my senses were heightened and I could really FEEL the oil make it's way past every nerve ending on my scalp. For those of you who love having your hair washed at the salon, this is like the version dreams were made of.

"I could really FEEL the oil make it's way past every nerve ending on my scalp"

For about 20 minutes the oil stream slowly drips over your head, but you'll wish it never stopped! Once the oil does stop running, your scalp will tingle with a cooling sensation that is also refreshing and energizing.

The technique is said to relieve headaches and tension

, as well as boost energy.

Next, your therapist will massage the oil into the scalp and hair for another 20 or so minutes... again heaven. Depending on the practice of the particular spa you are at, you may also get an arm and foot massage while the oil soaks into your hair.

After the treatment is over- you'll be a greased up ball of relaxation. Some people choose to leave the oil in the hair for a few hours, while others will want to shower right away. (I showered FYI, and needed several helpings of shampoo to rid all of the oil out of my hair)

I felt very relaxed throughout the day following my Shirodhara, and I didn't have a single headache during my cruise, which is very rare for me! Although I am sure being in a stress free environment helped a little with that too!

Overall I loved my experience, and would definitely do it again. If you have the chance- try it at least once. xo

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Winter 2016 is all about

moody colors that are rich in pigment

when it comes to nail polish. The look is chic and sophisticated, and acts as the perfect Winter accessory.

I've rounded up my favorite colors from brands that I trust and use the most. I'm currently wearing the Ciate blue pictured above, and get so many compliments on the shade! I know you'll love it too.

What colors are you loving right now? Let me know in the comments below, xo

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I'm always striving to come op with fun new ways to style my hair. After all, 13 years in the beauty industry can get a little repetitive...

Today I am sharing a few

new ways to use your heat tools

, they are creative and a little bit out-of-the-box. Each way will produce a curl, but hopefully they are curls you have seen or tried yet.

Take a look at the video below for your

lesson in creative curling

. [PS- this episode of Studio5 was filmed in front of a live studio audience, which was SO exciting and fun. The energy was fantastic! As part of the fun, I was able to pluck three ladies from the audience, whom I've never met and ask them to join me on TV! They were such great sports and I had so much fun meeting them, so thanks ladies- you all look gorgeous.]


The Mermaid Curl

Using a 1 inch wand or curling iron, twist wrap the hair in horizontal sections to develop ribbon curls with a twist that are slightly undone and not uniform. This produces an 'off duty' looks that is casual and relaxed. Practice the wrap technique by first looking at your 'pulse', then twist your wrist to look at your 'watch' before wrapping around the wand, and repeat to the end of the strand. [using 25mm wand form



2- The S-Wave

Using our flat iron, take thin horizontal sections and guide them into an 'S-pattern'. Tap the flat iron over the shape to heat it through, and then use clips to secure the wave while it cools. Repeat in the opposite direction to the end of the strand. The result is a vintage type finger wave look that is great for a formal night out. [using Megastar flat iron from



3- The Bantu Curl

Section hair into 2 inch triangle sections, and apply heat with the flat iron to heat the section through. Twist the hair into small buns around the head, and secure the ends with a booby pin. After cooling, release the buns to reveal bouncy textured curls that resemble natural curl.

Thanks so much for reading and watching, see you all soon!

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Yay- we've made it through another year! Can you believe it?

Today I am bringing you one final post and


 for the year... it's my


. These are the creme de la creme, if you will. The products I loved, used and recommended most this year.

Take a look at the


below, and shop any of the products mentioned in the links following the video.

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This year I got a stocking stuffer that I have been loving so much I wanted to quickly share with you what it is. I've talked about my chronic underarm sweating in the

past on this blog

[sexy, I know] but I've never tried a

Dry Spray Antiperspirant

before, until now.

Santa gave me a bottle of the

Dove Dry Spray

- and I am so happy with it. It's an aerosol spray that goes on clear and dries super quickly. I have the Cool Cucumber scent which is light and fresh, but there are a few other scents I am excited to try as well.

It's a 48 hour antiperspirant, but I still apply it everyday in the AM since I need a little more help. My favorite part of this dry spray is that it is super conditioning and moisturizing, and feels really nice on the skin after shaving. And because it is clear if doesn't leave any markings on your clothes! Can I get a 'hallelujah' for that please!? I feel like this is a must have when wearing your dry-clean only clothes, because removing white marks is never easy on nicer fabrics. It keeps me just as dry as my regular cream deodorants, but without the waiting time after application, and without those weird clumps of product left on my skin... you know what I'm talking about.

After doing a little research I noticed that many brands are now creating Dry Spray options- so I am thinking that this will be the new wave of under arm care that will become super popular. So far I've seen Axe, Degree, and Dove all offer a Dry Spray option, and you can pick those all up at any


store for around $6.

Let me know in the comments below if you've tried a Dry Spray yet- and what are your thoughts?

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*post sponsored by Lunchbox. opinions are always 100% my own


So if you haven't heard about the highly anticipated

Kylie Lip Kit

... you may be living under a rock. But just in case you missed it here is the skinny: Kylie Jenners' famously plumped lips gained lots of attention over the last year. And like any Kardashian would, Kylie decided to cash in on said fame and create her own line of lipstick.

After months of waiting and anticipating the arrival of the Lip Kit, finally the day came when it was to be released. Chaos surely ensued.

Kylie's hundreds of thousands of fans crashed her website and the Lip Kits sold out in under 1 minute. It was madness- I should know, because I was just one of the zillion people trying to buy the kits. But lucky for me, I was quick on the trigger and was able to buy ALL three of the first run colors.

I am the first to admit that I am not a 'Kylie-type' beauty with pouty lips, perfectly contoured cheekbones, and lashes for days. I am just a regular gal, mother or two, and wearer of natural makeup. So my experience with the Lip Kit may be slightly different than others out there... and I am guessing you can relate, and that's why you're reading this.

So here is the scoop from one REAL girl to the next:

The pigments are unreal

, and give amazing coverage in one swipe. I tend to think that matte liquid lipsticks are too dry- but surprisingly

these are moister then most

. They are a true matte however and dry to a powdery finish. The scent is a strong Vanilla type flavor, and I find it to be better than other liquid scents on the market. They wear very well and will hold up through mild eating and drinking. I like to add a gloss over the top midday and freshen up the color without having to add more lipstick.

The true star for me however is actually the lip liner

that is included in the kit. The liners are smooth

as butter but don't smudge and give amazing color as well! I have a hard time finding liners that I love, and I LOVE these. I wish they were twist-up and didn't require sharpening, but that is my only complaint.

The real draw back for me are the colors themselves

. With only three options, you are pretty limited at this point in the production. I bought all three- but really only wear Candy K on a regular basis, and will probably never wear True Brown K, seeing as it looks almost black on my coloring. I tend to think these muted colors look better on darker skin tones, so I am hopeful that more colors will be available soon.

So is it worth it?

I am going to say that buying your favorite color, is all I would recommend. At $29 each, you definitely don't need all three. You can get the same look with the

Colour Pop Ultra Matte Lip

for only $6 and they are equally as awesome!

Thanks for reading! xo

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I typically just wear my own lashes on a daily basis. I just don't have the extra time to put on falsies, as I know a lot of you don't have the time either. But that being said, there is nothing that makes a look come to life, and go from 'pretty' to 'WOW' like a set of false lashes!

They have the ability to wake up the face, brighten the eyes, and of course give the appearance that your were blessed with Bambi-like genetics. 

This Holiday season I have many parties to attend, as I am sure you do too. I always try and give myself plenty of time to get ready for them, so that I can really enjoy the process and the excitement of the season. And that means I bust out my falsies!

Lately, the trend of

Doll-Like lashes

has been big, it's such a fun trend especially for a party. I've teamed up with 

Ulta Beauty

 to bring you a round up my three favorite types of lashes to wear that all give your peepers a dollish effect. These lash brands all make high quality products, that are comfortable to wear, as well as look amazing. 

wearing: Eylur Vegas Nay Classic Charm

Recommended lashes, pictured above;

The trick to fake lash application

you ask? Well, heres a couple of them:


Trim them slightly

smaller than the width of your eye. Nothing is worse than the edge of the lashes stabbing into the corner of your eye. Cutting them just a tad shorter will ensure more comfort.

2- Make sure the

two outer edges of the lash have a nice dollop of glue

 on them. This is where the lashes really need to bond the most.

3- WAIT to apply the lashes until the

glue is tacky, not wet

. This is crucial for a good bond!


Place the lash in the center of the eye first

, then push the corners into place and attach the tacky glue to the base of your lashes [never on the skin itself].

5- Give a quick fanning motion to the eyes with your hand to help the

glue dry quickly before blinking


That's it! Thanks for reading today- I hope your party prep includes some fun lashes too! xo

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brought to you by Style Hunters for Ulta Beauty

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If you haven't added a retinol to your regimen by now, you're missing out on the single best ant-aging ingredient ever. That's a bold statement, but it's true.

Retinol should be your first line of defense, when it comes to anti-aging

. It's a product that has been proven to actually do what it says, and is both available in prescription strengths and over the counter varieties.

So what does it do? Simply put,

Retinols aid the skin in cell turn-over

, keeping it looking new and fresh. They also

thin-out the skin slightly

which makes fine lines and wrinkles appear more shallow. Retinols also

help to keep pores tighter and smaller in size

- which goes along way in making skin appear youthful.

One such product that I have been using and loving these days is the

StriVectin Advanced Retinol Pore Refiner

. It is a lightweight daily anti-aging moisturizer, with powerful pore refining properties.

This stuff goes to town on your face, and instantly smooths and shrinks pores. But over time the results are that much better, because that Retinol has a chance to do it's best work on your face long term. The scent is pleasant, and the consistency is really lightweight, non greasy and smooth. It works great under makeup during the day, and can also be used at night during your skincare routine for better results. I like to focus it in the center of my face, where the pores are largest, then blend outward and upward.

Now remember that anything with Retinol in it will be pricey. Effective ingredients always are. But when it comes to your face, using high quality products is an investment that will pay off in the long run. I hope you'll give it a try!

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I have 12 Holiday parties to attend this December! Can you believe that? It's a little overwhelming to be honest- but I am super excited to celebrate the season in style.

This is the time of year I love to add a little bit of sparkle into my makeup routine. It's just too fun not to! I stopped by Studio5 TV to discuss 3

easy sparkly touches you can add to your everyday makeup

, that will bump up the glam factor, and add just a hint of glimmer.

Check out the



Products Used:

I hope you'll try at least one of these sparkly touches for you Holiday get togethers this year, xo

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Hello my loves- I hope your December is off to a great start! It's hard to believe we are already at this point in the year, but I am happy to report that I am 80% done with my Christmas shopping! That has never happened this early in the game... winning!

Today I am excited to team up with Nexxus and Target to bring you a fun

Holiday Hair Tutorial.

When brainstorming the look I wanted to create, I decided that I wanted to wear a more casual and playful style, versus something elegant for the Holidays.

I don't have too many chances to wear a sleek updo, but I can rock a


at pretty much any event I have this season. The other great part about this style, is that

it works for almost all hair lengths

. And you'll see in the video that adding a clip-in extension to the look helps if you're lacking thickness or length for creating the perfect messy topknot.

Take a look at the


below, and let me know if you are going to try this style for your Holiday parties!

Products Used: (all available at Target // Save 10% with code: SHINE thru 12/5)

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, and it inspired you to try something fun and new for your Holiday party. 

Be sure you tag me in your pics if you try it out, I'd love to see! And I am now snapping away on Snap Chat, so please come follow along with me: TheBeautySnoop is my handle. xo

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*post sponsored by Lunchbox. all opinions are 100% my own.