We all want that porcelain smooth skin, but as we all know only photoshop can do that! Our pore size and visibility are predetermined by your genetics, and unfortunately there isn't anything you can do to physically shrink them... There are a few things you can do to minimize their appearance, so today we are going to break down the products you should be looking for if pore size is an issue for you.
2023 has seen an absolute skyrocketing rate in popularity when it comes to cold plunging, in fact it's estimated the industry will exceed 318.6 billion dollars in 2023!
The benefits are well known and include increased overall energy, reduction in inflammation, increased muscle tone and skin tightness- even mental health benefits like reduced anxiety.
So if you haven't tried it- I recommend you do... but you can also get some of those same benefits without having to take the FULL plunge, and instead cold plunge your face!
The results are similar; reduced puffiness, reduced inflammation, increased blood circulation, tightened and lifted skin. So if you want to join me in this fun challenge here are a few options you can try.
Dark under eye circles are one of life’s mysteries… Why can’t they just not be a thing, right? But for most of us they are a BIG thing, and something that really can make or break your overall feeling of well-being. I’ve studied solutions for years, tested many products, and these three easy changes in your routine are the three I would start with. So let’s dive in… Here are 3 mistakes you may be making:
'Skin Care Cycling' is a term coined by Dr. Whitney Bowe, a well-known dermatologist, and recently her theory of Skin Cycling has gone viral on Tik Tok.
Skin cycling takes the guesswork out of when and how to use your skincare, and gives a simple pattern to follow for better results from our skincare.
As we age our skin texture changes and you might think that fine lines and wrinkles are the first thing to be noticed. But in reality the thing that often gives us away is the sun damage and dark spots that are making their way to the surface of our skin.
Over the last couple of years, I have been on a journey to address my own dark spots and pigment, and a JOURNEY it has been. I've tried so many products and treatments- and I finally feel like I am on the right path. Here are the things I've found most effective and a great place to start…
I curse the dry air every Winter, and then I look at housing prices in warmer climates and change my mind real quick! Anyone else?! So it’s about this time each year I switch up my routine and start using body oils to quench my parched skin.
Natural oils from plants and botanicals go a long way to heal and moisturize the skin on a deeper level then lotions, and can even help to repair damage to the surface level of the skin. Here are 5 of my top picks…
I get asked often about my nighttime routine- what that looks like and what products I use. I also feel like more women are spending time on themselves for some much needed R&R during these uncertain times. So I wanted to share the steps that I recommend, as well as some luxury and budget favorites in each category. Remember you can always add on EXTRAS like masks or lip treatments etc., but these 4 will always serve you well.
One area of 'skincare' that gets commonly overlooked is our lips. But just like any area of the face, our lips age and can often feel less plump, hydrated and youthful as they once did. I notice that when I am consistent in my lip care routine, my lip makeup applies so much nicer, I feel less parched and I am not in need of applying balms all day long.
Dealing with dark circles is pretty standard for most women- there are genetic factors for many, but also stress, lack of sleep, dehydration and thinning skin play a part. My technique for treating and covering will help tackle this issue, but be prepared for daily and weekly commitment for best results. And chances are, you’re missing a key factor when it comes to covering dark circles each day…
This is a strange time in the world, and everything feels upside down. Spending weeks at home is tough for sure, but there are some unseen benefits of these ‘less-busy’ days. One of which is wearing less makeup- not only because it saves us some time, but also because we can truly let our skin breath and heal.
It’s no secret I have dealt with my fair share of acne woes. I’ve documented that here for years. But in the last 16 months my skin has taken a major turn for the better… so I wanted to share with you how and why I believe that has happened.